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Pain Exame

Infrared computed thermography is an examination performed with a special camera that has infrared sensors. This equipment detects the infrared emission from the human body and turns it into temperature, which can then be analyzed by the computer.

It is used to identify inflammation, painful muscle contractures, nerve compressions in the spine, headaches, in the spine, among other pains. The exam complements any clinical investigation carried out by the responsible physician and directs you, making a difference in the patient's diagnosis and final treatment.

Computerized Thermography

Find out how this technique works.

Infrared computerized thermography is a safe, non-invasive, painless and accurate test that identifies pain points, where conventional tests do not show. This technique is used to map the body in order to identify areas with different temperatures.

With the use of the thermograph, it is possible to go directly to the points that concentrate muscle pain and even inflammation. The thermograph is a great ally of acupuncture, as it indicates exactly the points that needles must act to reduce pain and bring benefits to patients.