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Herniated Disc

What is Herniated Disc?

Herniated discs occur when part of an intervertebral disc leaves its normal position and compresses the nerve roots that emerge from the spine. This problem is more common in the lumbar and cervical regions, as they are areas that are more exposed to movement and that support more load.

The vertebral disc is a fibrocartilage structure that serves to avoid direct contact between one vertebra and the other, and cushion the impact generated. Thus, an injury to this disc impairs its function and still presses on other important spinal structures, such as the nerve root or spinal cord.

Herniated disc is classified according to the region of the spine it affects and, therefore, it can be:

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Affects the neck region

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Affects the mid-back region

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Low back

Affects the lower back region

What Causes Herniated Disc?

The herniated disc happens with the wear of the vertebral discs, caused by its repetitive use. Genetic predisposition is the biggest cause for the formation of herniated discs, followed by aging, physical inactivity and smoking. Wear and tear and genetics are the main predisposing causes of a herniated disc, but forcing your back muscles to lift excess weight can be a trigger for this problem. An accident or injury can also lead to a herniated disc.

Check out a video I recorded talking in detail about back pain.

What are the symptoms of Herniated Disc?

Know the main symptoms caused by herniated disc.

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Cervical, thoracic (dorsal) or lumbar pain
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Pain in arms or legs (sciatic)
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Tingling sensation and cramps in the arms and legs
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Feeling weak because of the affected nerves

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